Mi Diario

You're welcome to read if you like ;] But here's nothing worth your time ;D

I feel down. I felt down. Till I went shopping. I bought two dresses and four pairs of earings. And you know what? I DO feel better now. Never thought that what they say about 'Shopping' could be true. But I sure hell do now! What are the odds that this could actually work for me. I mean I don't even like shopping. God, hope this doesn't mean anything.. Does it?... What the hell. I'm happy. For now. And it's all that matters. Right?

What happend tonight - perfect excuse for feeling down. But I'm not planning to write about it. It's not pretty, just know that I was in a real hysteria. The usual between me and mom... You have no idea how I wish that Guys and Boys and Men would be my ONLY problems.
Wish it was so easy...