Mi Diario

You're welcome to read if you like ;] But here's nothing worth your time ;D

What can say. Nothing much happend. Spain won. Triumfo fantastico.
Mi amore equipo de España!!!
I've had great time by the lake. In Jns as well... But still there is one thing missisng... Somebody to talk to. I'm not gonna spend my whole time here saying it all over again. I still want someone to chat with. That's all.
You know that feeling when you wait for someone to return home? That feeling when they finally do? That feeling when they thouch you? Feeling when your dad gives you a hug.... I don't. I'm not saying he's dead. Nah. He's alive. Too bad he's is. But he never showed intrest in being my father.
I hate him for leaving my mother and me when I was 6 or 8 months old.
I hate him for showing up after 5 years when his mother died.
I hate him for not calling me.
I hate him for ignoring us for those five years.
I hate him for being The Biggest Jerk in the whole world when he didn't help my mother carry a heavy bag when she asked him.
I hate him for letting my mother cry trough all the night after a stupid fight over the housework and not saying a word to her.
I hate him for thinking that his worthless money is something I need.
I hate him for not showing intrest in me then and now.
I hate him for being alive.
I hate him for being my father.
I don't what you. Get out of my life for good. You never wanted me and I don't want you. Get out.
You're the reason why I don't trust men.
You're the reason why I'm that scared to open up to someone.
You're the reason why I'm so terrified of guys.
You're the reason why I'm afraid of Love.
You're the reason my Life is ruined.
Because of you I don't sleep at nights, because I'm scared to fall asleep and dream.
Because of you I day-dream all my life since the moment I realised I can do that.
Because of you I don't let anyone in.
Because of you I'm scared to live.
Because of you I'm stuck in my own shadow.
Because of you I'm angry on my mother for this.
I don't feel anything just hate to you. But even that is too much for someone, no, for you. No-one else is like you. Thank God.
Now get The HELL OUT OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!