Mi Diario

You're welcome to read if you like ;] But here's nothing worth your time ;D

Everything has a beginning. Everything has an end.
September 1st is an end and a beginning at the same time. It's the End of the Summer. Beginning of another year at school. Doesn't matter how much I'd like to be happy on September 1st, I just can't. I have no happy memories on this day. I never want to go to school, I never want to sit in there from 8am till 3pm, I always hate when I don't understand something and no-one explains it to me, I hate getting up, 'cause I always feel cold in the morning, I'm always tired, I'm always upset, sad, hungry. I hate school. I never want to go there, because I don't have a good reason, I mean a really good reason to go and be there. I hate our countrys educational system. I hate mostly everything related to school. But I'm not here to tell you about what more I hate. I'm saying that, I'd like to see this 1st as a new opportunity to start some changes. However, I made the list, I was talking about earlier, or at least some of it, and it's more like a schedule... I had more things planned for me to change, but I forgot most of them, 'cause something happend.... The usual between me and mom.... I hope I'll remember. And I also hope, I'll see changes in me till this Christmas....

I had another hair cut. Now - I really look like a guy. When I don't have any hair gel in my hair. I always liked short hair styles, so I don't mind if I look bit diffrent...

I always liked Magic. All kind of Magic. HP one, the Middle ages Merlin magic, even card tricks. I like to believe in things that doesn't exist. I remember how I use to watch magic shows on TV, especially when they were showing magic shows from America, those kind were the best, 'cause you could see Magicians from around the world with their tricks. Even if it's all fake and just shams, I liked it and I still like it. 'The Prestige' reminded me about it. Prestige is a wonderful book and a great movie aswell. It was a long while since I read anything like it. But It was most definitely worth it. I wonder why do I like magic. 'Are you watching closely?' I'm trying to. But it still amazes me how the Hand can be faster then the Eye...

2 Notes:

Labai grazus ir jaukus blogas! nenustok rasyti :))

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