It. Everything. What the Hell am I doing here?... I feel like a ton or at least 3 in a half had been drop on me. It seems that when someone is looking at me they see a freak from the Moon. Seriously now I know what it meens "Like fallen from the Moon"*... Damn.. I wanna go home. I can see they obviously have no intrest in knowing me. Well there was this one girl, she was nice, tried to talk to me, but I think I kinda messed up, a bit or a lot - don't know... Oh, right, one guy from my class seemed to me like I've seen him alredy somewhere, just couldn't find out where. But when I got home I remembered - in one of many and kinda stupid "dating" sites. Damn how I was embarrassed... When I realized That He is That guy Jesus... I actually think he's pretty cute. That's why I got so embarrassed. But on the other hand - it's nothing. Guy's pretty cute, so what?
I'm still freakin' out like crazy.
Wish me not to faint.
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