Mi Diario

You're welcome to read if you like ;] But here's nothing worth your time ;D

Thoughts blowing through my mind. Nobody talks to my. I'm loosing my mind because of the WorldCup, 'cause I can't see it. DAMN IT!!!!!! Spain lost first game, shit. Better Luck next time. One my best friend is out, again, I can't talk to him, 'cause I'm without connection. What else? The other one is going nutts' about the Prom and everything else.... And I'm bored to death. I'm crying at nights, I don't do sports, I don't learn Spanish, I don't do anything to be happy. Well there was an evening when we spend it before her flight the next day, I've had fun. But that's it. Yesterday I was here and The Familie were talking about their last Summer's vacation. They had so much fun and wonderfull time, that I'd almost started crying... I'm happy about me and my mom and our time when we have it, but that is just something behond me and my familie, that I would really like to have and can't. I just wish I could feel maybe even for once in my lifetime what kind of feeling is it. Would be nice.

Ok enough.

Have a great Summer ;]

xoxo Your Girl ;*

P.s. How's Tėja for ya? I kinda like it ;DDp