16th - 19th Best Weekend Ever !! Thank You T. a lot for letting me spend those four days with you, thanks for taking care of me and having fun with me, taking me to see places I haven't saw, and thanks for being there for me... In other words - Just Thanks for everything, you have no idea how much it ment and means to me.... Sorry if I didn't show enough gratitude at the moment, but as I said, I don't really know how to show it, you know that, you were there... So, one more time - THANK YOU xoxo !!!
16th - 19th -- Four Days with one of my best friends.... Can it get any better? I not only got to stay at her place, see her, talk to her, have fun, but I also got to see the sea in Winter, got to walk around the Oldtown with the street light turned on when it's snowing while holding a hot cup of tea in my frozen hands and having a best friend walking with me right next to me.... I got to stay up real late and without any trouble get up in the afternoon, I mean, how cool is that ? Seriously, I couldn't think of a better way to spend, so called, The Long Weekend... And now the best part - The Dance. On my first day there, after a loooong and boooooring to death five hour trip by train, but I have to admit - It was worth it, every cent paid and every minute spent, it was definitely worth it. I guess you T. had to do something with what happend in the Club, I mean, seriously, nothing ever happens to me while I'm on my own, and on the first evening, night - to be exact, That happened... It must've been you, who brought me Good Luck, or at least lent some of it to me... Thanks T. xo.. So, as I was saying, on my first evening there we decided to go to the club, the entrance was free IF you had sunglasses, wich I did, but they weren't mine... Anyway, the next second we got ride of our coats and got to the dance floor, I just knew I'm not going to regret this after. I had so much fun dancing with you guys ! Thanks a lot for the opportunity to meet you... While I was dancing I didn't care about anything in the world, I didn't care about the way I looked, or how bad or good my moves were, I just cared about having fun and spending time with my old and new friends... If I can call you that ? Can I ? ... The music, the people, the dance was great, really, not to mention the cute guys all over the place.... For about three hours I was satisfied with what I had - a bunch of us and/or a few guys dancing with us four, but near the end something incredible happened... One of the guys that were dancing with us came towards me and the only thing I managed to realise that one second I was just moving by myself and the next - I was dancing with Somebody... And boy did we danced !!! I have never felt this tired when I got home... It felt like my entire skeleton was beaten so bad I wasn't going to be able to move, but everything was fine, almost, when I got up in the aftrenoon... It already was more than great to dance with Him as equals to each other while fast tracks were playing, so when the DJ turned a slow one I thought: 'It's over'... But to my surprise - He embraced me... I got so close to Him I felt His breathing and the heat, coming from Him... He asked my name, then told me I was a good dancer.. I said Thanks, I waited long to hear that... I have seriously no idea why I said that... I just said it... Guess I really have been waiting long enough to hear it... The best part in all of this - I can still feel His arms around me... That second when His hands slide across my back to hold me tighter... Or at least it's what I think, but I did feel them move... I still hear His voice in my head... I can still feel Him with my finger tips, when I stroke His neck and shoulders and put my hands on them... He seemed so simple and He was so real... More than just a couple of times we got so close I really thought Something's going to happen... A Kiss, I mean... I think I would not have mind it, but sadly nothing happened, maybe it's for the best... But His lips were so close... While He was holding me in his arms I had this feeling I never had before.. I felt so peaceful and calm.. And so strange, but in a good way... I can't come up with anything else just this - guess it's how people feel when they're loved... 'In just few hours I fell inlove, felt loved, and got my heart broken... Don't know if it's talent, but I'm gifted...' - my thoughts after I got home...
I just can't believe I won't ever see Him again....
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