Ain't it funny? Friday, 13th, and Full Moon... I'm not very good with math, but in this case, putting all those three things together suppose to be bad luck, like very bad luck. But strangly for me it was quite a fine day, despite that it suppose to be the worst day there can be... So, my question - am I suppose to think, that my luck has change? Or I just need to hold my breath for a while and it's just a phase and it'll pass ? I would really like to think that a small miracle has happend to me.. Why? Because it's giving me hope, that I'm not a total failure and that there's still a chance for me left... Today was good, almost great. But it's all there is. Just Today. And it already passed... Hek, I'm still happy... Guess at least till the morning I'll be satisfied with my Life, if I can call IT Life...
Sleep easy, xoxo T. ;]
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