"So I'll just keep on walking down this open road
Talking to the man who knows me
Yes he knows me, the man is me" - And I walked The Open Road Today !
Weird feeling that was... Just Me, The Road, Wind and The Music in my Mind... I felt great. Just perfect. I mean, if I could choose between The Open Road and University, I would defenately choose The Open Wild Road, 'cause what can be better than to travel The World. To see things for real, to feel, to hear, to have the time of your life... Damn it how I want to do that. This could really be "my thing", you know. I don't know. If someone would ask me what I'd like to do the most now, I'd say - "travel The World with the closest one, better yet with all the people that are close to me. Lover, friend, sister, even mother. Everyone that would be up for it. To have the one experience I'd never ever forget..." - that's what I'd say. If anyone would ask.
Last weekend I was stuck somewhere between Stupidity and Reality. Now - Slumber and Life. This Place has That Something, what was missing Back There. For starters everything seems to be fine with me. For now. So thats a bit strange, 'cause I'm not use to it... But I'm getting...
I don't know, how things will go later, but I guess it can't be worse than it was... Can it?
You know what reminds me this Little Tree?... Me. I know I know... I'm not saying anything Tonight.
I just want to Fly like an Eagle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsTc9sDD_64
or just Runaway like The Wolf into the Misterious Night http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhSx8uKdD5o ......
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