Mi Diario

You're welcome to read if you like ;] But here's nothing worth your time ;D

Firsts day

Tasks almost complited ! Yeeeeeaaaayyyy for me ;P ;DDDD I've done my exercise, HW as well, all that's left is PC and GG ;P

Oh, I also thought about writing every evening before falling a sleep a letter, to myself, so that when the alarm goes on in the morning, the second thing (after turning the alarm off) I'll do - read it. The whole idea is for me to remind myself what I'm doing, so that I would not forget. I don't know if it's stupid or clever, but so far it's working, considering, that today is the first day of everything ;DDD

I think I'll do a calendar for the training, it will be easier that way, so, I think I'll get on it right now, so there would be more time for something more .... ;] ;P

See ya, xoxo Your Girl ;* ;P ;DD