Mi Diario

You're welcome to read if you like ;] But here's nothing worth your time ;D


Oh how I just want to hoooooowwwwwlll !!!! I'm screaming inside and I would sooooo like to scream outside... Too bad I can't... Well... I guess I'll just have to wait for a chance... Hope it wouldn't take too long... Cause I'll lose my mind !!! ;DDD
Next thought - I finally have a new cell and at the end of the week I'll have a bank credit card. My very own money.. UUhh I can't wait ;DDD But, I'll have to.
Okay,what else? I'm lonely. As usual. Hey, it's my life...

"It's my liiiiiife It's now or neveeeeeer I ain't gonna live for eveeeeer..."

Like that ;DDD Well, part of it ;DD
Give me a moment... I missed chating. Thank You, you still remember me ;DDD

" - It's so boring in here. What do you do here all this time? Nothing? - asks Fun Sanity and Brain.
- Yeah! - answers both.
- Oh my stars..."